West Hennepin Public Safety
Proudly Serving the City of Maple Plain &
City of Independence.
Signed in as:
Proudly Serving the City of Maple Plain &
City of Independence.
West Hennepin Public Safety Mission is to protect and serve the citizens of Maple Plain and Independence in a professional and compassionate manner. These core values shall serve as a foundation and form the basis of all functions of West Hennepin Public Safety as we fulfill our mission:
Honor Courage Common Sense Respect & Dignity Loyalty Fairness Trust
WHPS Strives to maintain a transparent and open relationship with community members. Click below to view WHPS Policy Manual.
West Hennepin Public Safety strives to keep the citizens of Maple Plain and Independence safe and up-to-date with current trends and technology. In May of 2016, WHPS received a community partnership grant from Center Point Energy for a moveable speed detection sign. The speed sign can be programmed to flash at different speeds and also has the ability to collect speed and traffic flow data.
If you would like to request the sign be placed in a problem area please contact WHPS.
West Hennepin Public Safety officers work extremely hard trying to prevent crime but do not do it alone. West Hennepin regularly receives tips from concerned citizens that may see something out of the ordinary that West Hennepin officers have not yet seen. Often times tips leed to arrests including drunk drivers, seizures of narcotics and damage to property. Educating citizens with crime prevention information has helped West Hennepin solve many cases.
Please contact our office or if the issue is a life safety concern call 911 .
Provided in partnership with Project ChildSafe, each kit contains a safety curriculum and a cable-style gunlock that securely stores your firearms. The locks fit on most types of handguns, rifles and shotguns. The goal is to prevent a child or any other unauthorized person from accessing a firearm in your home.
All citizens interested are encouraged to stop at West Hennepin Public Safety to pick up their free gunlock.
The Neighbors App by RING is a free app designed to help communities connect and stay informed about what's going on around them- whether they own a RING device or not. Millions of users are working together to make neighborhoods safer for their families, friends, and neighbors. When communities work together, safer neighborhoods become a reality.
3 out of 4 child seats are improperly installed.
WHPS provides a free inspection of your child seat to ensure proper installation and maximum safety. Contact us today to set up an appointment.
Thanks to a grant from Xcel Energy we now have a speed sign that we can deploy anywhere in the community to help address traffic safety.
If you would like the sign placed in a trouble area please contact us to make the request.
Thanks to a Grant from RALI Minnesota we have partnered with the Hennepin County Sheriff Foundation, Hennepin County Sheriff's Office, and Deterra System to provide safe medication disposal to our residents in City of Maple Plain and City of Independence Minnesota by providing medicine disposal bags.
5% of kids 12-17 and 14% of young adults 18-25 abuse prescription drugs most of which are found unused in your medicine cabinet. Keep your friends & family safe from these powerful medications by properly disposing of unused prescription drugs in your home.
These kits are available at no cost to you at WHPS during normal business hours.
Instructions how simple the kit is to use can be found by wathing this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=lkQ4RlOVZ24